Do you have microblading that has been badly done? The shape is strange or does not follow the natural shape of your eyebrows? Is the work asymmetrical? It's not the right color? The color turned to red or blue? For any microblading done elsewhere than at here at LUMI BEAUTE, we offer a correction service to adjust a number of problems without having to start all over again. During this service, the shape is completely redesigned and a personalized color is created with quality European pigments to make your old microblading more aesthetic and compatible with your face and your skin. A microblading correction requires even more detail and skill than a microblading on virgin eyebrows. It must be done at least in two sessions to obtain a professional result. This procedure requires 2 touch-up appointments (included in the price) within 6 weeks of each other in order to correct everything. Find out more under Touch Up 6 weeks in the drop that menu.
Duration: 3 hours
Appointment(s): 1
Retention: 12-18 months